Arianna Alessio and Trudy Berger dove into the world of luxury and sport to conclude the second season of Lusso 360
Author: Trudy Berger (Trudy Berger)
Hospitality industry and managing luxury stays
A conversation about management and luxury with Massimo Baldo, Vice President Europe The Palace Company
4 generations of goldsmiths, 100 years of family business
There’s much behind a jewel, which is a whole world of artisans, professionals, people, that work together to create a dream for every single client.
Home and yacht management through the lenses of Edouard de Maillé
The importance of fulfilling customers’ needs, being detailed-oriented and raising the standards of service.
From trend to business strategy with Annalisa Tarquini
"One-Stop Shop" as a trend and business strategy
Lusso 360 launches its second season with the interior designer Marianna Fiorin
What's behind luxury interiors and the differences between the USA and Italian market